I respond to inquiries within 48 hours (other than vacations and holidays) and am the only person with access to texts, voicemails and emails.
Mental health emergencies (like considering hurting yourself or others) need immediate attention. Please do not text, email or leave a voicemail if you are experiencing an emergency. I may not get your message in time to help. Instead, please call 911, contact a trusted relative or friend, visit a local emergency room, or contact your local crisis line (1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-784-2433 is available 24/7/365 throughout British Columbia).
Career Counselling in BC
Tammy Donovan
Registered Clinical Counsellor & Former Lawyer
Below is a list of issues that career counselling can help people address.
If you're struggling with something that you don't see listed, please call me to discuss. This isn't an exhaustive list and if an issue is connected to work, I'm interested in supporting people.
Job Readiness
Writing tailored job applications
Formulating & rehearsing stories about your career
Interview Preparation
Spotting Red Flags (& learning not to ignore them)
Support to avoid avoid decisions based on fear and desperation
Negotiating Job Offers
Understanding Canadian Workplaces & Work Culture
Finding Unadvertised Position
Facing unwelcome & difficult questions about your job search or career history
Career Exploration
Identifying career preferences (interests, work conditions & work outcomes)
Identifying strengths & transferrable skills
Identifying & evaluating potential career paths
Understanding job markets
Evaluating cultural & social expectations & defining personalized success and identifying non-traditional career paths
Education Support
Testing & evaluating interests
Evaluating school programs
Writing admission applications
Decision-Making Support
- Changing Jobs or Organizations
- Changing Careers
- Analysis Paralysis and Information Overload
- Building/Re-building trust in instincts
- Contemplating stress leaves
- Juggling parental leave & career advancement
Career Advancement & Advocating for Self
Getting oriented to professions (understanding work culture and preferred ways of doing things)
Building professional confidence & relevant skills
Support with speaking up, getting noticed (hard work usually isn't enough)
Understanding management priorities & getting good assignments or projects
Preparing for and making the most of performance reviews
Negotiating Raises (and other forms of compensation)
Connecting with people who can support your career
Crisis Management
Navigating situations at work that have deteriorated significantly or become untenable
Dealing with negative performance reviews or major mistakes
Bullying, gaslighting, overly critical management & discrimination
Re-building confidence
Navigating workplace affairs
Staying in role after lay-offs
Staying in role when managers change or during significant organizational changes
Support before and after getting fired, laid-off or silently pushed out
Support during stress leave & return to work process
Support with difficult relationships with leaders, managers or co-workers
Career Breaks
Dealing with nerves or dread before/after parental leave
Returning to work after significant career breaks