I respond to inquiries within 48 hours (other than vacations and holidays) and am the only person with access to texts, voicemails and emails.
Mental health emergencies (like considering hurting yourself or others) need immediate attention. Please do not text, email or leave a voicemail if you are experiencing an emergency. I may not get your message in time to help. Instead, please call 911, contact a trusted relative or friend, visit a local emergency room, or contact your local crisis line (1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-784-2433 is available 24/7/365 throughout British Columbia).
Career Counselling in BC
Tammy Donovan
Registered Clinical Counsellor & Former Lawyer

Contact Info
Ph or Txt: 778-868-2959
Response Times & Emergencies
I reply to people within 24 hours.
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency (like considering hurting yourself or others), please do not text, email or leave a voicemail about the emergency. I may not get your message in time to help.
PIease visit an emergency room, call 911, a trusted relative or friend or a crisis line (1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-784-2433 is available 24/7/365 in BC) and contact me after initial care has been arranged.
Steps to Maximize Privacy & Confidentiality
Some people openly share information while others prefer to take extra steps to protect privacy and confidential information. If you don't mind taking extra steps, you may wish to limit sensitive information that you send to me via text or email. Also, I am also the only person with access to my phone & emails and have the ability to password protect/encrypt emails when requested.